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Café Negro con Ganoderma
con Ganoderma lucidum
US$ 37,60 (2 cajas por juego)
US$ 22.60 (1 box)
US$ 41.60 (2 boxes)
US$ 59.60 (3 boxes)
Mention CODE: B3F1 to our chat assistant to claim after placing your order.
30 sobres por caja
Disfruta del aromático café recién hecho con eGano Gourmet Black Coffee.
Los amantes del café apreciarán el sabor oscuro, rico y suave, que se realza con el rico extracto de Ganoderma lucidum.
Siéntete despierto y enriquece tu día con una clásica taza de café, ya que es vigorizante.
Taza de café clásica para los amantes del café tradicional
Comienza tu día con un café fuerte, sabroso y saludable.
Enriquecido con los beneficios del Ganoderma lucidum certificado
9 + 1 Shop Now
US$ 95.60 (5 boxes)
US$ 112.00 (6 boxes)
US$ 164.00 (9 boxes FREE 1 BOX)
US$ 42.00 (combo 1 black 1 latte)
Política de devolución y reembolsoReturns and refunds are only acceptable if you did not receive the order, wrong quantity/product received, or items severely damaged during transit. We do not accept returns and refunds for "I changed my mind" or "I simply do not like the taste" as the product is no longer sellable after the seal is open. We appreciate your kind understanding.
Politica de enviosThis price includes shipping to USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and Malaysia only. We do ship worldwide though with additional shipping charges. Don't be shy and drop us a message! We'll send you a PayPal invoice for product and shipping prices to your location :D Shipping will be done via express couriers.
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